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Dating App Bumble Reveals Height Preferences: 90% of Women Pursue 6% of Tallest Men
Photo by CrowN / Unsplash

Dating App Bumble Reveals Height Preferences: 90% of Women Pursue 6% of Tallest Men

In a recent revelation about the dating app Bumble, it has been discovered that a staggering 90% of women using the platform are pursuing only 6% of the male population. This significant discrepancy is attributed to the height preferences set by the majority of female users on the app. According

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

In a recent revelation about the dating app Bumble, it has been discovered that a staggering 90% of women using the platform are pursuing only 6% of the male population. This significant discrepancy is attributed to the height preferences set by the majority of female users on the app.

According to data gathered from height-filtered searches conducted by American women on Bumble, the majority of women are seeking men who are part of the top 6% in terms of height. This preference for taller men is reflected in the app's algorithm, which prioritizes showing these women profiles of men who meet their height requirements.

The findings highlight a significant disparity in the dating pool on Bumble, where a small percentage of men who meet the height criteria are being pursued by a vast majority of the female users. This trend could potentially impact the dating experiences of both men and women on the app, with shorter men facing more challenges in finding matches and women competing for the attention of a limited pool of taller men.

Experts suggest that this height-based filtering on dating apps could be contributing to a more superficial approach to dating, where physical attributes like height play a disproportionately significant role in determining initial attraction and compatibility.

Bumble has not released an official statement regarding these findings, but the data raises questions about the impact of height preferences on the dating landscape and the potential need for more inclusive and diverse approaches to matchmaking on dating apps.

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

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