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Female Gender Reassignment Among Spanish Soldiers: A Strategy for Increased Benefits and Pay Incentives due to Personal Identity

According to a self-identification law designed to support transgender individuals, Spanish soldiers are transitioning from male to female in order to receive specific benefits that are exclusively available to females. This includes better compensation and improved living arrangements such as sleeping quarters. In March 2023, following the implementation of the

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by Jenna Larson
Female Gender Reassignment Among Spanish Soldiers: A Strategy for Increased Benefits and Pay Incentives due to Personal Identity
Some Spanish soldiers are opting to change their gender from male to female in order to gain access to exclusive benefits, including increased pay and improved sleeping arrangements.

According to a self-identification law designed to support transgender individuals, Spanish soldiers are transitioning from male to female in order to receive specific benefits that are exclusively available to females. This includes better compensation and improved living arrangements such as sleeping quarters.

In March 2023, following the implementation of the "Ley-de-Trans" (or "Trans Law"), forty-one individuals in Ceuta, an autonomous city in North Africa under Spanish control, have opted to alter their official documentation from male to female, marking a significant decision.

Out of the males residing in Ceuta who have altered their identity, only four have officially modified their name.

Most of the current “female” soldiers have maintained all other aspects of their lives, such as male genitalia, sexuality, and even facial hair.

According to Army Corporal Roberto Perdigones, as reported by Spanish newspaper El Español, he appears as a heterosexual man to others, but internally identifies as a lesbian. He believes that his internal identity is more significant, which is why he underwent a legal transition to become a woman.

According to Perdigones, he was motivated to transition genders due to "favorable discrimination" and has subsequently been given a 15% raise in salary.

According to him, his pension has increased due to his gender change as women receive higher compensation for gender-based inequalities. Furthermore, he is receiving a 15 percent higher salary for being a parent.

The soldier intends to take advantage of his extra privilege as a female in order to file for joint custody of his 16-year-old son, assuming that the courts will grant him a more favorable opportunity.

The majority of soldiers who have transitioned to female have retained all other aspects of their life, such as male genitalia, sexuality, and even facial hair.

Last year, Perdigones underwent a gender change and upon arriving at the barracks in Ceuta, he had hair that was deemed too long for the male standards. Additionally, he was wearing earrings, which goes against the Spanish military's rules for men.

Due to his discomfort with sharing a bathroom with individuals of either biological gender, the army corporal was provided with a personal bathroom.

According to Perdigones, she has her own private room and bathroom in the barracks due to her being a woman and not feeling comfortable being around men. She also did not want to disrespect biological women by staying with them.

The army corporal was provided with a personal bathroom due to their discomfort in sharing with either biological gender.

The legislation regarding transgender individuals was approved by legislators on December 22, 2022. It permits those who are 14 years and above to alter their identity without requiring psychological or medical assessment. However, minors between the ages of 14 and 16 must obtain consent from a parent or legal guardian.

Individuals as young as 12 years old have the option to undergo the legal procedure of altering their gender identity; however, their modifications must receive authorization from a court.

In an effort to increase gender diversity in the Guardia Civil and National Police force, the left-wing government of Spain has aimed to achieve a 40 percent female representation.

Critics of the government's conservative stance have labeled their efforts as "woke" and progressive measures.

In an effort to increase gender diversity, the left-wing Spanish government has aimed to raise the representation of women in both the Guardia Civil and National Police force to 40 percent. This can be seen in Shootdiem's ( images.

According to sources, El Español reports that several other law enforcement organizations are experiencing an increase in members who are changing their genders as an act of defiance towards the law.

According to a source from the Civil Guard, there have been multiple instances of this among my coworkers and it is expected to rise. Many individuals have already applied for it and are currently in the application process. Therefore, it is likely that the number will continue to rise periodically.

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

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