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Florida's Surgeon General Advocates for Pause in mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Citing 'Foreign DNA' Contamination Concerns

Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has called for a halt in the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines due to concerns over 'foreign DNA' contamination. This claim, however, has been met with widespread criticism from experts who argue that it lacks scientific merit. Dr. Ladapo, who

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by Prince Carlton
Florida's Surgeon General Advocates for Pause in mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Citing 'Foreign DNA' Contamination Concerns

Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has called for a halt in the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines due to concerns over 'foreign DNA' contamination. This claim, however, has been met with widespread criticism from experts who argue that it lacks scientific merit.

Dr. Ladapo, who has previously criticized the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, recently issued an official recommendation against their use source. He cited a theory that these vaccines could contaminate human DNA.

The FDA has countered Dr. Ladapo's claims, asserting that the mRNA vaccines are safe for use source. mRNA vaccines work by teaching cells how to produce a protein that triggers an immune response, a process that does not involve altering human DNA.

Despite the controversy, Dr. Ladapo's recommendation has brought the issue of vaccine safety and effectivenss to the forefront. Something that many Americans are concerned with post-covid, when it comes to Big Pharma.

As the debate continues, it's crucial for the public to do their own research and not just rely on the the word of the FDA, CDC or the WHO, whom all has lost credibility from the deaths, and side effects the covid vaccine has caused.

Prince Carlton profile image
by Prince Carlton

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