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Google Faces Backlash Over Accidental Collection of Children's Voice Data and Privacy Breaches
Photo by Kai Wenzel / Unsplash

Google Faces Backlash Over Accidental Collection of Children's Voice Data and Privacy Breaches

In a shocking revelation, Google has been accused of "accidentally" collecting children's voice data, disclosing the journeys and home addresses of carpool users, and producing YouTube recommendations based on users' deleted watch history. This privacy breach, which was reported by 404 Media, has raised serious

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by Jenna Larson

In a shocking revelation, Google has been accused of "accidentally" collecting children's voice data, disclosing the journeys and home addresses of carpool users, and producing YouTube recommendations based on users' deleted watch history. This privacy breach, which was reported by 404 Media, has raised serious concerns about the tech giant's handling of user data and its commitment to protecting user privacy.

According to the report, Google has been collecting children's voice data without their consent, potentially violating their privacy rights. This has sparked outrage among parents and child advocacy groups, who are demanding answers from Google about how this data was collected and what it will be used for.

In addition to the collection of children's voice data, Google has also been accused of leaking the trips and home addresses of carpool users. This breach of privacy has put the safety and security of these individuals at risk, and has raised questions about Google's ability to protect sensitive user information.

Furthermore, Google has been producing YouTube recommendations based on users' deleted watch history, which has led to concerns about the company's data retention policies and its ability to respect user privacy.

The revelation of these privacy breaches has led to widespread criticism of Google, with many calling for the company to be held accountable for its actions. The tech giant has yet to issue a statement addressing these allegations, but the public is demanding answers and assurances that their privacy will be protected going forward.

The incident has also sparked a broader conversation about the need for stronger data protection laws and regulations, as well as the importance of holding tech companies accountable for their handling of user data. As the public demands answers and accountability from Google, it remains to be seen how the company will respond to these serious allegations.

Jenna Larson profile image
by Jenna Larson

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