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Poll Reveals Majority of Americans Back Mass Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Amid Immigration Crisis
Photo by Greg Bulla / Unsplash

Poll Reveals Majority of Americans Back Mass Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Amid Immigration Crisis

A recent survey has brought to light a significant shift in American public opinion regarding the handling of illegal immigrants, showcasing a growing support for mass deportations. According to an exclusive Axios Vibes survey conducted by the Harris Poll and released on Thursday, over half of the American populace, including

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by Jenna Larson

A recent survey has brought to light a significant shift in American public opinion regarding the handling of illegal immigrants, showcasing a growing support for mass deportations. According to an exclusive Axios Vibes survey conducted by the Harris Poll and released on Thursday, over half of the American populace, including a notable 42% of Democrats, have expressed their backing for the deportation of undocumented immigrants from the United States.

This revelation comes amidst escalating concerns over border security and immigration policies under President Biden's administration. The poll, which surveyed a diverse cross-section of Americans, found that 51% are in favor of removing illegal immigrants from the country. This includes 30% of Democrats and 46% of Republicans, underscoring a bipartisan concern over illegal immigration.

Additionally, the survey highlighted a contentious issue regarding birthright citizenship, with 30% of Democrats and 46% of Republicans expressing support for ending this constitutional right guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. This stance reflects a growing sentiment among Americans that while immigration is generally supported, it is the illegal entry that raises significant concerns.

The top worries cited by respondents regarding illegal immigration included increased crime rates, drugs, and violence (21%), additional costs to taxpayers (18%), and the risk of terrorism and national security threats (17%). These concerns have fueled a more receptive attitude towards the stringent immigration policies of former President Trump, especially in light of the surge in illegal border crossings and a persistent Republican messaging campaign.

Since the inception of Biden's term in January 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents have encountered over 7 million migrants at the southern border, highlighting the magnitude of the crisis. The ongoing situation has sparked a debate over responsibility, with 32% of survey participants pointing to the Biden administration as "most responsible" for the border crisis, a larger percentage than any other political or systemic factor.

This poll underscores the complex and divisive nature of immigration policies in the U.S., revealing a nation grappling with the challenges of balancing humanitarian concerns with national security and economic stability. The Biden administration faces the daunting task of addressing these issues, with public opinion increasingly favoring a hardline approach to illegal immigration as the country moves forward.

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by Jenna Larson

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