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Ted Cruz Backs Donald Trump in 2024 Presidential Bid

Ted Cruz Backs Donald Trump in 2024 Presidential Bid

In a surprising turn of events, Senator Ted Cruz has endorsed former President Donald Trump in his bid for the 2024 Presidential Election. This endorsement comes after a period of speculation and tension between the two prominent Republican figures. The Texas senator made his endorsement public in a statement to

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by Cody Bradson

In a surprising turn of events, Senator Ted Cruz has endorsed former President Donald Trump in his bid for the 2024 Presidential Election. This endorsement comes after a period of speculation and tension between the two prominent Republican figures.

The Texas senator made his endorsement public in a statement to The Texas Tribune, expressing his respect for the Iowa caucuses and their procedures, which played a significant role in the 2016 Republican primaries.

This move by Cruz has come as a surprise to many, as he had previously refrained from endorsing either Trump or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, citing concerns about alienating parts of the Republican base.

Many saw this non-endorsement as a sign of a potential Cruz presidential run in 2024, following his comments in an interview with The Texas Tribune about expecting to run for president again. However, his endorsement of Trump may indicate a change in strategy or a consolidation of Republican forces behind Trump.

Trump's campaign for the 2024 election has seen a mixed response from the Republican Party. While some high-profile figures have endorsed him, others have been more hesitant, reflecting the ongoing debate within the party about its future direction.

Cruz's endorsement is a significant boost for Trump, who has been working to gain support from skeptical parts of the GOP. As reported by Politico, Trump has been making headway with Republican senators, a bloc that has previously shown skepticism towards his 2024 bid.

While this endorsement breaks Cruz's previous silence on the matter, it remains to be seen how it will impact the dynamics of the 2024 Presidential race and the Republican party as a whole.

Cody Bradson profile image
by Cody Bradson

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