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Workers in Mexico City Protest Pride Month at Government Institution, Declare "The Only Flag is Our National Flag"

Workers in Mexico City Protest Pride Month at Government Institution, Declare "The Only Flag is Our National Flag"

In a recent demonstration at a government institution in Mexico City, workers protested against the celebration of Pride Month, emphasizing their stance by declaring, "The only flag is our national flag." The incident occurred at the National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT), where union members were seen tearing

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by Jenna Larson

In a recent demonstration at a government institution in Mexico City, workers protested against the celebration of Pride Month, emphasizing their stance by declaring, "The only flag is our national flag." The incident occurred at the National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT), where union members were seen tearing down a multicolored flag that represents sexual diversity.

The protest was reportedly triggered by a directive from union leader Rafael Riva Palacio Pontones, who ordered the removal of the Pride flag, calling it "unworthy." The action sparked controversy, as it was seen by many as an act of homophobia.

The director of INFONAVIT, Carlos Martínez, condemned the act, stating that a group of union members broke the flag. The director, who is himself gay, spoke out against the homophobic act, highlighting the importance of respecting all members of society.

The protest has also sparked a discussion about the role of government institutions in promoting diversity and inclusion. Many argue that it is the responsibility of such institutions to create an environment where all members of society feel safe and respected.

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by Jenna Larson

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