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WEF's 'Disease X' Preparation: Genuine Concern or Globalist Scare Tactics?
Photo by Evangeline Shaw / Unsplash

WEF's 'Disease X' Preparation: Genuine Concern or Globalist Scare Tactics?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has recently shifted its focus to a hypothetical and yet-undiscovered disease, ominously dubbed "Disease X". With the World Health Organization issuing warnings that this unknown disease could potentially cause fatalities 20 times greater than those of the coronavirus pandemic, the WEF seems eager

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by Cody Bradson

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has recently shifted its focus to a hypothetical and yet-undiscovered disease, ominously dubbed "Disease X". With the World Health Organization issuing warnings that this unknown disease could potentially cause fatalities 20 times greater than those of the coronavirus pandemic, the WEF seems eager to take charge of the narrative. But is this genuine concern or another move in their alleged globalist agenda?

Details from the WEF's upcoming annual meeting reveal plans to discuss strategies for handling such a disease. This includes encouraging the development of platform technologies like vaccines, drug therapies, and diagnostic tests. While this may seem like a responsible approach, critics argue that the WEF's focus on "Disease X" is another example of globalist scare tactics.

The term "Disease X" is currently a placeholder for an unidentified but serious microbial threat. However, the ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding this potential health crisis are causing some to question the WEF's motives.

Critics suggest that this focus on an undefined disease could be a strategic move to further the WEF's agenda. By highlighting a potential future pandemic, the WEF could be aiming to consolidate global power and control under the guise of public health.

Furthermore, the WEF's controversial stance on these unknown threats has sparked skepticism among those who view their actions as attempts to manipulate public sentiment and drive policy changes.

While it's crucial to learn from past pandemics and prepare for future ones, the timing and nature of the WEF's "Disease X" preparations have raised eyebrows. As we move forward, it's essential to maintain a critical eye on these developments and question whether they serve the public interest or a globalist agenda.

Cody Bradson profile image
by Cody Bradson

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